TED Clinics

Telehealth Consultations

All our Endocrinologists provide Telehealth consultations.

Telehealth consultations will occur via Zoom where you are able to see your doctor and they can see you. It will be offered where clinically appropriate, as determined by the clinician.

Please call our clinic on 02 8006 5587 to schedule a Telehealth consultation.

Medicare rebates may be available for patients living in rural and remote Australia.

Patient information

Telehealth is easy to use. A Telehealth appointment is just like a regular appointment with the Specialist but conducted via video on your computer or mobile phone device.

Once the doctor determines that a Telehealth consultation is appropriate, our support staff will call you to obtain your referral and any other details required. They will arrange an appointment time and provide an overview of how the Telehealth appointment works. They are there to answer any questions you may have.

  • A link will be emailed to you in advance of the video consultation to click on at the specified time.
  • New consultations usually last about 30 to 45 min and a follow up 15 to 20 min

After the consultation, we will arrange a follow-up appointment if required using Telehealth or in person consultation.


Please phone the practice directly on 02 8006 5587 for more information and to book an appointment.